Zhong Lun Ranked in the GAR 100
Zhong Lun Ranked in the GAR 100
In February 2014, Global Arbitration Review (GAR) published the new edition of GAR 100, which is a listing of the world’s most prominent international arbitration practices. Zhong Lun has been ranked in the GAR for the second time since 2013, and is one of the only three PRC law firms that are ranked in the GAR 100 this year.
GAR is recognized as the leading resource of information and materials related to international arbitration. Each year, GAR publishes its signature survey, the GAR 100, which is a guide to specialist arbitration firms worldwide and gives readers access to top arbitration practitioners. The ranked law firms need to be carefully researched and assessed by the GAR, based on objective ranking criteria such as the number of cases that a law firm has appeared in the merit hearings either as counsel or arbitrator in the recent two years.