From August 28-29, 2004, Zhong Lun held the 2nd partner’s meeting for the year of 2003-2004 in Beijing, 35 among 40 partners attended this meeting. Mr. Wu Peng, director of the executive committee, presided this meeting. This meeting fully confirmed and positively appraised what the exiting executive committee had achieved in the past year, during which, Zhong Lun further improved the centralized management of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen Offices with respect to administration, finance, human resources and operational management. The management system was more effectively standardized, and cooperation among the three offices as well the professionism was further strengthened. During the past year, 12 partners and over 40 lawyers and professional assistants joined Zhong Lun, thereby increasing the number of staff to 238 in total three offices. Anticipatorily, by the end of 2004, the total staff number will be up to 300. Since August 2004, Beijing office has further expanded office space and so far the total area is more than 3000m2. Shanghai office after expansion so far has the space more than 1000m2. During year of 2004, the comprehensive achievement of Zhong Lun still remains on top among Chinese law firms. This meeting discussed and passed “2nd Amendment of Articles of Partnership of Zhong Lun", “Management Rules Regarding Fund Supervision of Zhong Lun", “Financial Management Rules of Zhong Lun" and “Examination and Approval Rules Regarding Financial Expenses of Zhong Lun". In addition, this meeting reviewed the progress after execution of incorporation agreement between Zhong Lun and Yiwen. Before this meeting, the first partner’s meeting decided by vote to accept Mr. E Yongxi in Shenzhen office to be a new partner. Moreover, this meeting discussed about the compenstation and employment system of Zhong Lun and determined to fully discuss and further optimize the salary system of lawyers, assistants and secretaries and to implement the new standard of annuity from 2005. The provision regarding the ceiling on annual bonus was repealed and the new bonus policy of “no ceiling bonus and no minimum bonus" would be implemented from this year. The difference of bonus may be more substantial as based upon the performance achievements of the lawyers and other employees. Pursuant to Articles of Partnership, this meeting completed the election of the incoming executive committee for the year of 2005, and as a result of anonymous vote, Mr. Zhang Xuebing, Mr. Wu Peng, Mr. Qiao Wenjun, Mr. Liu Fengliang and Mr. Wang Jialu have been elected as the members of the new executive committee, and Mr. Zhang Xuebing is appointed as the firm’s managing partner. All partners attending the meeting and the new executive committee committed to work harder in the year of 2004-2005, especially in the development and innovation with respect to full communication, comprehensive capability-building and improvement of teamwork, selection and training of the talented lawyers, and realization of cross-office broad-band inter connection and internet infrastructure build up.