Zhong Lun Attended the 2nd Annual Asia Pacific Real Estate Meeting
Zhong Lun Attended the 2nd Annual Asia Pacific Real Estate Meeting
The 2nd Annual Asia Pacific Real Estate Meeting, hosted by Euromoney, was held on 25 September 2007 at Conrad Hotel in Hong Kong and Zhong Lun is a Co-Sponsor of this Meeting. Over 400 delegates from 19 countries attended this Meeting, including some of the most high-profile investors from across the Asia-Pacific region. Mr. Zhou Yun, Mr. Lai Jihong, Mr. Li Haiqing, Mr. Su Min and Mr. Deng Furong attended this Meeting. Mr. Zhou and Mr. Li were panelists on “China’s Real Estate Mega-Markets: Is It Overheating?" and “Where are the Rising Stars? The Outlook for Asia-Pacific Real Estate Capital Markets" panel discussions respectively and their addresses were particularly well-received by the audience.