Chengyin WANG

Chengyin Wang has over a decade of experience working as patent examiner, patent attorney, and patent agency. Specialized in intellecual property, he provides comprehensive legal services to multinational companies, research institutions and technology-oriented businesses.
Chengyin's practice areas include patents, software copyright, trade secret disputes, IP trsansactions, and IP Due Diligence. In recent years, he has successfully handled influential IP litigations and extensive transations, with many of his cases selected as Typical IP Cases of the Year by courts at various levels.
His cases span diverse technical backgrounds, including telecommunications, seminconductors, chemicals, new energy, pharmaceuticals, computer hardware and software, AI, and the internet. His clients include SABIC, Exxon Mobil, Netgear, SCHOTT, Sogou, TSMC, and OWS, among other famous companies.

Representative Matters

  • Represented Sogou in more than 20 patent invalidation and infringement lawsuits against Baidu, involving human-computer interaction technologies such as input methods, the Internet and smart terminals; this series of cases was called “China’s first Internet patent case" and was rated as an Outstanding Deal in Commercial Law of 2019 and 2020; some of the cases were voted by the Supreme Court of China as exemplary cases in intellectual property law

  • Represented Sogou in a lawsuit seeking declaration of non-infringement against Jiugong involving the input method technology; the Supreme People’s Court of the Intellectual Property Court made a final judgment confirming that Sogou does not infringe Jiugong’s patent; this case has seen the final ruling of the Supreme Court in retrial, denying Jiugong’s request for review

  • Represented Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. in responding to a patent infringement war in the semiconductor field initiated by a world-renowned semiconductor company, involving semiconductor design processes and devices, and finally helped the client reach a global settlement with the semiconductor company

  • Represented NETGEAR in response to patent administrative investigation cases and parallel patent invalidation cases in multiple local intellectual property offices filed by a well-known foreign NPE, involving wireless router products and related technologies

  • Represented NETGEAR in responding to patent infringement lawsuits filed by a well-known foreign NPE’s Chinese licensees in multiple courts, involving wireless router products and communication-related technologies

  • Represented 720 Degrees suing Nintendo’s electronic game devices for patent infringement

  • Represented JCET Group Co.,Ltd. in handing a series of patent invalidity, patent infringement, patent ownership and trade secret disputes with YX, involving semiconductor chip manufacturing process

  • Represented the world-renowned petrochemical company Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) in a series of patent invalidation and infringement cases 

Honors and Awards

For Deal

The Fourth Golden Line Award, Gaoshan Legal, 2023 - Intellectual Property (Netgear v. Global Innovation Aggregators (NPE), series of patent cases)

Deals of the Year, China Business Law Journal, 2020 (series of patent litigation cases between Sogou and Baidu)

The First Golden Line Award, Gaoshan Legal, 2020-Legal technology case (the declaration judgment between Sogou and Jiugong)

Deals of the Year, China Business Law Journal, 2019 (series of patent litigation cases between Sogou and Baidu)

Memberships & Affiliations

Expert, Heilongjiang Intellecual Property Protection Center Expert Database

  • Bar Admissions/Professional Qualifications

    2015 Lawyer Practice Qualification
    2013 Patent Attorney Practice Qualification

  • Education

    M.E. in Chemical Processing, China University of Petroleum, 2010
    B.E. in Chemical Engineering at China University of Petroleum, 2007

  • Professional Experience

    Non-equity Partner, Attorney at law Zhong Lun Law Firm, 2018-Present
    Attorney at law, KangRui Law Firm., 2016-2018
    Patent Examiner, Patent Examination Cooperation (Beijing) Center of the Patent Office, CNIPA, 2010-2016

  • Languages
