Equity Partner / Shanghai
Tel +86-21-6061-3703
Email zhangjingsh@zhonglun.com
Private Equity & Investment Funds, Financing, Chinese Mainland Capital Markets
Energy & Power, Banking & Financial Services, Insurance, Financial Innovation & Fintech
Ms. Zhang' main practices are Private Equity & Investment Funds, Financing, Chinese Mainland Capital Markets.
Representative Matters
In the area of Banking and Finance, Ms. Zhang has provided perennial and special legal services for many domestic and foreign banks, insurance companies, trust companies, asset management companies, including providing legal services to increase capital and shares, introduce strategic investors, restructure financial institutions and assets disposal of financial institutions for many commercial banks, providing one-stop legal services of international M&A loans, loans for overseas investment projects, international syndicated loans, loans for foreign trade and economies and ship financing for a large-scale commercial bank, and providing legal consulting for clients’ financial innovation businesses.
In the area of Corporate Securities, Ms. Zhang has been involved in several projects of restructuring, reorganization and domestic and overseas IPOs for enterprises, material assets reorganization of listed companies and issuance of enterprise bonds.She also has advised on equity investment for many domestic and foreign PE/VC institutions as well as introducing financial or strategic investors, M&A and overseas investment for state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.She followed up several projects of registration and change of PE/VC institutions.
Honors and Awards
For Individual
Notable Practitioner, IFLR1000 2019-2023 - Banking & Finance
For Deal
Outstanding Transaction, China Business Law Journal 2021 - Construction of Schroders BOCOM Wealth
Outstanding Transaction, China Business Law Journal 2019 - Acquisition of Urbaser by China Tianying Inc.
Nomination for Best Project Finance Transaction, ALB, 2016, Shanghai "Dream Center" Series Syndicated Loans Project
“China: Insurance & Reinsurance”,The Legal 500, 2022
“A Brief Analysis of the Legal Structure of Series Syndicated Loans for Large Integrated Real Estate Development”, Law Press, 2019
Awards Related
Nine Practice Areas and 46 Lawyers from Zhong Lun Made to IFLR1000 2024 Rankings
Nine Practice Areas and 46 Lawyers from Zhong Lun are recommended.
Bar Admissions/Professional Qualifications
PRC Bar, 2005
Bachelor of International Economic Law, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law