Partner Wilson Huo Is Invited by China Banking Association to Hold a Seminar on Commercial Bank’s Post-loan Management and Non-performing Assets’ Disposal
Partner Wilson Huo Is Invited by China Banking Association to Hold a Seminar on Commercial Bank’s Post-loan Management and Non-performing Assets’ Disposal
On July 1st, 2016, partner Mr. Wilson Huo of Zhong Lun Law Firm was invited by China Banking Association to attend the Seminar on Commercial Bank’s Post-loan Management and Non-performing Assets’ (the “NPAs") Disposal in Chengdu. Mr. Wilson Huo delivered the whole-day training speech on “Bank NPAs’ Risk Management and Control, Collection and Disposal under the New Normal". Over a hundred senior executives from different provinces’ commercial banks attended the training.
With the emphases on financial disputes’ features and tendencies under the New Normal, Mr. Wilson Huo analyzed the legal risks in the process of NPAs’ disposal through case studies and the means and manners to protect banking institutions creditor’ rights through for instance, litigation, arbitration, the order of payment, and the enforcement of notarized obligatory right documents. From the standpoint to protect banking institutions creditor’ rights, he further explored enforcement of security rights, auction sale and other sale, and bankruptcy proceedings, etc.