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Real EstateUrban InfrastructureTransportation & LogisticsTourism & HospitalityEnergy & PowerMining & Natural ResourcesBanking & Financial ServicesInsuranceFinancial Innovation & FintechTelecommunications & InternetInformation & Intelligence TechnologyHealthcarePharmaceuticals & Life SciencesEducation & TrainingMedia-Sports & EntertainmentNational Defense & Military IndustryRetail & Consumer ProductsIndustry & ManufacturingAgriculture & Food
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- Most relevant
New Chapter For Mainland-Hong Kong Judgements Enforcement
New arrangement of recognition and enforcement of judgements between Mainland and Hong Kong will take effect in Jan 2024
Annual Review on International Trade Law in China (2023)
The article offers an annual review of the legislation and practices concerning China's international trade law in 2023.
How Should Foreign Investors Adapt to China's New Company Law
This article discusses how foreign-invested enterprises should adapt to China's amended Company Law.
China Released Second Catalogue of Rare Diseases
This article centres on the NMPA regulatory updates and overview for rare diseases and orphan drugs in China.
Scope Ruling in China AD Investigation: Implications for Brandy
The article details MOFCOM's methods for defining the subject product in AD investigations, drawing on past cases.