Xingyu HUANG

Mr. Huang Xingyu joined Zhong Lun Law Firm in 2013. He is currently a partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm, qualified to practice in PRC and the New York State. Mr. Huang's main practice area is dispute resolution, including international/foreign/domestic commercial arbitration, investment arbitration, domestic and international litigation, domestic and international enforcement and other related matters, involving construction projects, real estate, sale and purchase of goods, corporate equity, investment and financing, finance and other fields. He has extensive experience in representing clients in cross-border disputes and has successfully represented many multinational corporations and large Chinese enterprises in arbitration cases before the International Court of Arbitration (ICC), Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC), China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and ad hoc arbitration cases under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
Recognized by clients for his case-handling ability and expertise, he was recommended by the Legal 500 as the Key Lawyer in the field of dispute resolution (arbitration) in 2022, and was recommended by the Legal 500 as the Next Generation Partners in the field of dispute resolution (litigation) in 2024.

Representative Matters

  • Investment Arbitration (Seat of Arbitration: London; Project Location: Ghana): Represented a Chinese company in initiating investment arbitration against the Government of Ghana regarding a dispute arising out of a construction project in Ghana. The amount in dispute was around USD 55 million. This case was one of the first cases in which Chinese enterprises initiated investment arbitration against an African government under a bilateral or multilateral investment treaty, and it was the first case in which Chinese lawyers independently represented a Chinese investor in an investment arbitration against a host government.

  • ICC (Seat of Arbitration: Hong Kong; Project Location: Argentina): Represented a Chinese SOE in arbitrations initiated by the employer relating to several wind power stations in Argentina and raised counterclaims for EOT and additional costs. The amount of claim was around USD 128 million, and the amount of counterclaim was around USD 125 million.

  • ICC (Seat of Arbitration: London; Project Location: Qatar): Successfully represented a Chinese construction company in an ICC arbitration for the disputes arising out of several subcontracts relating to a construction project in Qatar, receiving favorable awards for Contract price, EOTs and additional costs. The amount in dispute was around USD 16 million.

  • ICC (Seat of Arbitration: Thailand; Project Location: Thailand): Represented a Chinese state-owned construction corporation, assisting the client in dealing with disputes arose from a Thailand real estate project with the owner, subcontractors and SPV shareholders. This dispute involves ICC arbitration proceedings and Thailand litigation proceedings. The amount in dispute was around USD 400 million.

  • ICC (Seat of Arbitration: UK): Represented a Chinese company defending an arbitration on disputes over a lease contract and a consulting service contract and raised a counterclaim on behalf of the Chinese company. The amount in dispute was over EUR 12 million.

  • ICC Arbitration (Seat of Arbitration: Munich; Project Location: Germany): Assisted a Chinese SOE in a dispute over supply contract of steel components for a newly built bridge in Germany. The dispute involves litigation in Germany and arbitration administered by ICC. 

  • LCIA (Seat of Arbitration: UK): Represented an overseas subsidiary of a SOE in defending an arbitration initiated by a company in Democratic Republic of the Congo involving a value-added tax dispute over commodity transactions. The amount in dispute was over USD 100 million.

  • LCIA (Seat of Arbitration: UK; Project Location: Ghana): Represented a Chinese company in an arbitration concerning a construction project dispute in a country in Africa against the owner. The amount in dispute was over USD 60 million.

  • Assisted a state-owned enterprise and its local subsidiary in India in appealing against an unfavorable Decision relating to safeguard duty rendered by the Commissioner of Customs, and successfully obtained a Final Order which sets aside the unfavorable Decision, recovering the loss of over CNY 50 million for the client.

  • Represented a Chinese construction company in Shanghai Financial Court to halt the encashment of three on-demand bank guarantees, and received favorable decisions in all three cases.

  • Provided legal services to a state-owned company throughout its construction of a coal-fired power station plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and assisted the client in resolving potential disputes with the employer and the downstream subcontractors, and negotiating with the employer in Sarajevo. The investment amount of the power station plant project was over CNY 7 billion, and potential disputed amount exceeded EUR 300 million.

  • Assisted a real estate enterprise affiliated to a listed company in negotiating potential disputes over a shopping mall development project with a China central SOE. The amount of disputed was over CNY 180 million.

Honors and Awards

recommended by the Legal 500 as the Key Lawyer in the field of dispute resolution (arbitration) in 2022;

recommended by the Legal 500 as the Next Generation Partners in the field of dispute resolution (litigation) in 2024.

  • Professional Experience

    Equity Partner,Lawyer, Zhong Lun Law Firm, Jul 2013 to Present

  • Languages
