Zhong Lun Organized a Seminar on Current Issues in WTO and Trade Remedy
Zhong Lun Organized a Seminar on Current Issues in WTO and Trade Remedy
On 17th April of 2014, Zhong Lun Law Firm organized a seminar with respect to “Current Issues in WTO and Trade Remedy" in its Beijing Office. Senior officials from Department of Treaty & Law and Bureau of Trade Remedy Investigation of Ministry of Commerce of China, representatives from national import and export chambers of commerce, law professors from top universities such as Tsinghua University, Renmin University, Wuhan University and Nankai University, and lawyers from King&Wood Mallesons, JT&N, Allbright, Gaopeng and East Associates attended the seminar. They had in-depth discussions on current issues in international trade. Partners and counsel from Zhong Lun, Pu Lingchen, Liu Jianwei, Lei Song, Ren Qing and Guan Jian were also present and shared their insightful views.
Four topics were discussed, i.e., (1) latest development of trade remedy investigations in EU and USA and trade remedy disputes at the WTO; (2) costs adjustments in EU anti-dumping investigations and its WTO consistency; (3) the so-called “cross cumulation" in the US ITC’s injury determination and its WTO consistency; (4) implementation of WTO rulings concerning violation of procedural requirements.
These topics have not only attracted the interest of theoretical studies, but also are of significant practical value. It is anticipated that such discussions focusing on the highlighted topics would likely provide helpful guidance for Chinese enterprises as well as Chinese government to strategically respond to and deal with trade remedy investigations initiated by foreign authorities and trade disputes at the WTO.
Zhong Lun were awarded as International Trade law Firm of the Year in 2011 and 2012 in China by Chambers. Its international trade practice has been consecutively ranked Band 1 in 2013 and 2014. With extensive experience in trade remedy investigations and WTO dispute settlement, Zhong Lun is committed to assist Chinese enterprises and Chinese government to defend their lawful trade rights and interests.