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Real EstateUrban InfrastructureTransportation & LogisticsTourism & HospitalityEnergy & PowerMining & Natural ResourcesBanking & Financial ServicesInsuranceFinancial Innovation & FintechTelecommunications & InternetInformation & Intelligence TechnologyHealthcarePharmaceuticals & Life SciencesEducation & TrainingMedia-Sports & EntertainmentNational Defense & Military IndustryRetail & Consumer ProductsIndustry & ManufacturingAgriculture & Food
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- Most relevant
The Path Ahead: Foreign Investment under New Healthcare Policies
The article discusses China’s new healthcare policies, analyzing their potential trends.
China’s CGT Foreign Investment Ban Lifted - Opportunities and Challenges
Protecting Company Confidentiality in China
Strategies and legal insights for protecting trade secrets in China amidst regulatory and technological advancements.
Foreign Entities' Compliance for Receiving PRC Personal Data
Presenting a general guide on data compliance for foreign entities receiving personal information from China.
Chinese Court Practices of Attorneys’ Fees under CISG
Discussion on whether attorneys’ fees for litigation are recoverable under CISG in Chinese court practices.