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- 2023-04-26
Zhong Lun Partner Liqiong Wang Spoke on New Regulations on Overseas Offerings and Listings of Chinese Companies
Zhong Lun Partner Liqiong Wang Spoke on New Regulations on Overseas Offerings and Listings of Chinese Companies.
- 2023-04-07
Partner Hengka Ji Invited to Speak at Inaugural DBS Hong Kong Wealth Planning Symposium - The Great Wealth Transfer
Mr. Hengka Ji, Partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm, was invited to deliver two keynote speeches on “Wealth Planning and Tax Considerations for Chinese UHNWIs and the Latest Trends” at the breakout sessions.
- 2023-03-20
Ron Cai elected as Executive Committee Member of the IBA Communications Law Committee
Zhong Lun is pleased to announce that Ron Cai, Senior Counsel at the firm, was recently elected as an Executive Committee Member of the International Bar Association (IBA) Communications Law Committee.
- 2022-12-15
Zhong lun Intellectual Property Partner Ping Gu is invited to Practising Law Institute program “Doing Business in and with China 2022” as a speaker.
On December 13, 2022, Practising Law Institute (PLI) successfully hosted a half day program titled “Doing Business in and With China 2022” in New York.